The Flamingods band performed in the Cultural Center of Novi Sad on January 13, on the occasion of Doček 7532 or Serbian New Year.
Flamingods is a four-piece alternative rock band from London and Bahrain founded by Kamal Rasool in 2010. Other band members include Karthik Poduval, Sam Rowe and Charles Perst.
The British-Bahrain band Flamingods brings alternative rock tunes, which are mixed with psychedelic rhythms, electronic melodies and punk.
They are recognizable by their rotating positions and exchange of instruments during live performances, which makes each performance unique. The concert was great, as were the cheerful guys from the band who created a great atmosphere. This is the Flamingods’ first performance in Serbia, but judging by the way they had a good time in Novi Sad, they will surely come back again.
Technical realization: Studio Berar Rental (audio, video, lighting).
Photos: Dražen Žigić